May Pose of the Month

Trikonasana (tri-ko-NAH-se-na), Triangle Pose, is a common pose done in most yoga classes. The pose opens hips, chest, and shoulders, stretches inner thighs, hamstrings, and organs, strengthens legs and neck, lengthens spine, and aids in digestion — a whole lot going on. It’s an obvious name for the pose as you are trying to make your body resemble a triangle with three straight lines.

It is as simple as 1 2 3 4 5.

1. Take a big step back with your left leg — about one leg length apart. Your legs will form an equilateral triangle with the floor. With arms outstretched horizontally, turn your right toes to face the front of the room, and turn the back toes in slightly. Your feet should be in one line. I have come to prefer heel to heel alignment in this pose, though some teachers suggest aligning front heel to back arch. Either way, press down in the ball of your front foot, engage the calf and take a micro bend in the front knee to protect it from hyperextending. Reach your right hand as far forward as you can, dropping the right hip so you can continue to hinge forward. Tailbone points back behind you. When you have reached as far forward as you can, place your right hand on your shin, ankle, foot, mat, or block. The placement of the hand needs to support a straight spine because, well… triangles are made up of straight lines — it’s basic geometry, people! Kidding aside, often people forget this fact and put too much effort into reaching their hands to the mat. The result is a rounded spine. In doing this, many of the above mentioned benefits are compromised. This can be easily solved by lifting the torso higher and placing the lower hand on a shin or a block or even the upper thigh. Finish off the pose by reaching your left hand up to the sky along with your gaze. The arms are at 6 o’clock and 12 o’clock. Keep both legs active, as well as your core, and keep the front knee in line with middle toe.

2. Two triangles are made with this pose. One with the legs and floor. One with the spine, an arm and a leg.

3. Local teacher, Jill Abelson, referred to this pose as representing the three energies of the universe: creation (Bramha), sustaining things as they are (Vishnu), and destruction (Shiva). I like to focus on this profound concept while in the pose.

4. Energetically, your body is extending in four different directions. Your legs and feet root down into the floor to provide a strong and stable base. That energy rebounds up to the sky with the upper hand and gaze. The crown of the head reaches forward, as the tailbone points in the opposite direction.

5. Stay in the pose for five breaths. The benefits of the pose come with the breath. Send your breath to the tight spots and see if you can find a release with each exhale.

Repeat all of this on the other side.